The Nub Nuance Triple Roast is a flavored cigar produced by Oliva Cigar Co., known for its Nub line that focuses on shorter, thicker cigars designed to deliver maximum flavor from the start. Here’s an overview of the Nub Nuance Triple Roast:
**Nub Nuance Triple Roast**
**Key Features:**
– **Wrapper:** The wrapper is typically a Connecticut shade wrapper, known for its smooth and mild flavor profile.
– **Binder:** Nicaraguan binder leaf, chosen to complement the filler tobaccos and enhance the overall smoking experience.
– **Filler:** Nicaraguan filler tobaccos. The specific blend of Nicaraguan tobaccos is crafted to provide a balanced and flavorful smoke.
– **Size:** The Nub Nuance Triple Roast is characterized by its short and stout vitola, typically around 4 inches in length with a ring gauge of 60 or more, offering a concentrated and intense smoking experience.
– **Flavor Profile:** As part of the Nuance series, the Triple Roast is infused or flavored with coffee-related notes, aiming to deliver a rich and aromatic smoking experience. Expect flavors of coffee, cocoa, and sweetness.
– **Craftsmanship:** Handcrafted with attention to detail to ensure a smooth draw and even burn, despite its short length and large ring gauge.
– **Packaging:** Available in packs or boxes, maintaining freshness and preserving the integrity of the infused flavors.
The Nub Nuance Triple Roast is popular among cigar enthusiasts who enjoy flavored or infused cigars, particularly those with coffee undertones. It’s designed to provide a unique and enjoyable smoking experience from start to finish.
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