Size: Double Torpedo (6 1/2 x 56)
Wrapper: Nicaraguan Habano
Binder: Nicaraguan
Filler: Nicaraguan
Strength: Medium to Full
Packaging: Available in single cigars, or boxes of 25.
El Baton is a classic Nicaraguan cigar known for its rich history and robust flavors. Crafted by J.C. Newman Cigar Company, El Baton combines quality Nicaraguan tobaccos in a traditional format that appeals to cigar enthusiasts seeking a full-bodied smoking experience. The wrapper is a Nicaraguan Habano leaf, which contributes to the cigar’s robust flavor profile and slightly spicy character. The binder and filler tobaccos are also Nicaraguan, selected for their quality and ability to complement the wrapper’s rich flavors.
Tasting Notes:
Initial Draw: The El Baton starts with bold notes of black pepper, cedar, and espresso, providing a robust and flavorful introduction.
Mid-Smoke: As you continue to smoke, the cigar develops complex flavors of dark chocolate, leather, and roasted nuts, with hints of earth and spice adding depth.
Finale: The final third intensifies with rich flavors of coffee bean, cocoa, and a lingering spice, culminating in a satisfying and full-bodied finish.
Aroma: El Baton emits a captivating aroma characterized by its blend of earthy, chocolaty, and spicy scents that enhance the overall smoking experience.
Ideal For:
Experienced Smokers: Those who enjoy medium to full-bodied cigars with a complex flavor profile.
Nicaraguan Tobacco Enthusiasts: Perfect for those who appreciate the bold and robust characteristics of Nicaraguan cigars.
Evening Relaxation: Ideal for pairing with a glass of aged rum, bourbon, or a bold coffee.
Pairing Suggestions:
Beverages: Complements well with bourbon, aged rum, or a rich espresso.
Food: Pairs wonderfully with dark chocolate desserts, grilled meats, and hearty stews.
Why Choose El Baton?
Rich History: A classic Nicaraguan cigar brand with a reputation for quality and consistency.
Full-Bodied Flavor: Offers a bold and robust smoking experience with layers of complexity.
Quality Construction: Handcrafted with care and expertise by J.C. Newman Cigar Company, ensuring a premium smoking experience.
Experience the bold and flavorful tradition of El Baton, crafted to deliver a satisfying and memorable smoking experience that exemplifies the richness of Nicaraguan tobaccos and the craftsmanship of J.C. Newman Cigar Company.
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