The Acid Krush Green Candela Tin offers a unique and flavorful experience within Drew Estate’s lineup of infused cigars. Here’s a detailed description of what you can expect from this particular cigar:
**Acid Krush Green Candela Tin**
The Acid Krush Green Candela Tin features a selection of small cigars that are renowned for their distinctive green Candela wrapper. This wrapper type, also known as American Market Selection (AMS), undergoes a quick drying process that preserves its natural green hue, lending a unique appearance to the cigar.
**Key Features:**
– **Infused Flavor:** Drew Estate’s Acid cigars are celebrated for their infusion of botanicals and essential oils, creating a sweet and aromatic smoke with nuanced herbal notes.
– **Candela Wrapper:** The green Candela wrapper imparts a slightly grassy and earthy flavor profile, contributing to a smooth and mellow smoking experience.
– **Compact Size:** Each cigar is crafted to provide a quick and enjoyable smoke, making them ideal for shorter breaks or casual enjoyment.
– **Presentation:** Packaged in a stylish tin that ensures freshness and portability, making it convenient to carry and store.
The Acid Krush Green Candela Tin is perfect for enthusiasts who appreciate infused cigars and enjoy exploring different wrapper types and flavor profiles. Whether you’re new to cigars or a seasoned aficionado, this tin offers a unique smoking experience that showcases Drew Estate’s commitment to quality and innovation.
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